Week 1
5th graders, I know you've been looking forward to learning the cup game! It's finally that time of year AND it's only for 5th graders! Learn the rhythm and movements with this tutorial. Use a plastic cup from your kitchen (not a glass cup)! We will be playing the cup game in class, so take this time to learn it now before we start passing the cups! ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others. a. Perform rhythmic patterns with body percussion and a variety of instruments using appropriate technique.
Practice the notes we know on the recorder (B, A, G, E and D) with this well-known song. After you complete the warm-up and learn the song, perform it for someone at your house. *Remember to take steps in learning a song like we do in the classroom. Make sure you can do the fingers correctly before you play! Also use gentle air and cover your holes all the way. Following these tips will save your parents' ears! ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others. b. Perform simple major/minor melodic patterns with appropriate technique. d. Perform multiple songs representing various genres, tonalities, meters, and cultures.
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
This week, let's play catch up so that you can get your videos loaded to my new Flipgrids. I'd like everyone to pick one recorder song you have been working on and record it on Flipgrid here. (There are several "topics" so after you get to the main page, look for more topics to find the song that you want to record.) I'd also like everyone (who hasn't already) to upload a video of yourself doing the cup game on Flipgrid here. See above for further directions. Have fun sharing!
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Here is a video from me to help you with the cup game! Try it with these words:
Let's all play a game.
Please don't shout.
Pick it up and pour it out.
You'll want to be able to play it at different speeds (tempo). If super fast and out of control is your only speed then you have some work to do!
ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others. a. Perform rhythmic patterns with body percussion and a variety of instruments using appropriate technique.
Practice the notes we know on the recorder (B, A, G, E and D) with a new song. After you complete the warm-up and learn the song, post it on the Tritt recorder FlipGrid. https://flipgrid.com/trittrecorder *Remember to take steps in learning a song like we do in the classroom. Make sure you can do the fingers correctly before you play! Also use gentle air and cover your holes all the way. Following these tips will save your parents' ears! ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others. b. Perform simple major/minor melodic patterns with appropriate technique. d. Perform multiple songs representing various genres, tonalities, meters, and cultures.
I now have a FlipGrid for you to share your recorder performances. You'll need to login with your school email to access the FlipGrid. Have fun sharing!!! https://flipgrid.com/trittrecorder
Try the cup game with "The Cup Song"! This tempo is pretty fast, so go to settings on the video to change the playback speed to find a comfortable speed for you. ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others. a. Perform rhythmic patterns with body percussion and a variety of instruments using appropriate technique.
Use a metronome to practice the cup game at 120 bpm (beats per minute).
Now, record yourself doing the cup game and send it to me! See my video for an example.
1. Set your metronome to 120 bpm (beats per minute). Leave it on.
2. Record yourself doing the cup game only one time.
3. On the word "out" (which is the last beat) "pass" it to the right so that it is out of the video.
4. Wave at the camera.
5. Share it with me on FlipGrid and watch your friends' videos, too! flipgrid.com/trittcupgame (You'll need to login with your school email. If you have any trouble, just email me the file.)
6. Tell your friends that might not have checked my website. I want to get lots of recordings from the 5th graders!!!
I now have a FlipGrid for you to share your recorder performances. You'll need to login with your school email to access the FlipGrid. Have fun sharing!!! https://flipgrid.com/trittcupgame
My friends, Ms. Boland (Shallowford Falls Elementary) and Mr. Homer (Argyle Elementary) have been working together to plan lessons for our students. Here is Mr. Homer with a dynamics and rhythm lesson for you. You'll need something from your home that you can use as a drum. (Ex. Cardboard box, bucket or plastic tub.) ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others. a. Perform rhythmic patterns with body percussion and a variety of instruments using appropriate technique. ESGM5.RE.1 Listen to, analyze, and describe music. b. Describe music using appropriate vocabulary (e.g. fortissimo/pianissimo)
This is mostly a BAG song, but it includes a new note- High D. After you complete the warm-up and learn the song, post it on the Tritt Recorder FlipGrid. https://flipgrid.com/trittrecorder
This one has a new note (high D). You can play this note like B, but take your thumb off the back hole. You may choose to play this new note when you get to it or just stay on B for that part. *Remember to take steps in learning a song like we do in the classroom. Make sure you can do the fingers correctly before you play! Also use gentle air and cover your holes all the way. Following these tips will save your parents' ears! ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others. b. Perform simple major/minor melodic patterns with appropriate technique. d. Perform multiple songs representing various genres, tonalities, meters, and cultures.
I now have a FlipGrid for you to share your recorder performances. You'll need to login with your school email to access the FlipGrid. Have fun sharing!!! https://flipgrid.com/trittrecorder
Play a Rhythm Kahoot! made by Mr. Homer. Please use your real first name and last initial. I want to know who you are! Have fun! :) ESGM5.PR.3 Read and Notate music. a. Read, notate, and identify, in various meters, iconic, and standard notation (e.g. quarter notes, quarter rests, barred eighth notes, half notes, half rests, dotted half notes, barred sixteenth notes, whole notes, whole rests, dotted quarter notes, single eighth notes, eighth rests, triplets).
Here is a recorder fingering chart, if you need it!
We finally get to learn a note between G and E! Learn the new note, F#, during this warm-up. After you complete the warm-up and learn "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", post it on the Tritt Recorder FlipGrid. https://flipgrid.com/trittrecorder
*Remember to take steps in learning a song like we do in the classroom. Make sure you can do the fingers correctly before you play! Also use gentle air and cover your holes all the way. Following these tips will save your parents' ears! ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others. b. Perform simple major/minor melodic patterns with appropriate technique. d. Perform multiple songs representing various genres, tonalities, meters, and cultures.
If you haven't posted your Cup Game video, you can still do that this week! Scroll up for directions!
Learn a Body Percussion piece. ESGM5.PR.2 Perform a varied repertoire of music on instruments, alone and with others. a. Perform rhythmic patterns with body percussion and a variety of instruments using appropriate technique.
May the 4th Be With You! I thought this might be a fun and timely way to see and hear some instruments. You can use your cursor to see around the orchestra. ESGM5.RE.1 Listen to, analyze, and describe music. c. Identify and classify (e.g. families, ensembles) classroom, orchestral, American folk and world instruments by sight and sound. d. Aurally distinguish between various ensembles
5th Graders!!! Have you thought about joining the Hightower Trail Middle School Orchestra next year? See this video and website for more information about the HTMS Orchestra Program!
More information here: https://htmsorchestra.org/what-you-need-to-know-1
Advanced recorder players!!! There are lots of tutorials on YouTube for playing Star Wars music. Check out the #StarWarsOnRecorder video to see what these kids learned. I've also put a tutorial video that I thought was good. There are lots if you search "star wars recorder". You may need to refer to a recorder fingering chart because there will be several notes we haven't learned in class.
Here is a recorder fingering chart, if you need it!
Play What Instrument Is This? made by Mr. Homer at Argyle Elementary School. (We've been working together on these lessons for you!) Please use your real first name and last initial. I want to know who you are! Have fun! :) ESGM5.RE.1 Listen to, analyze, and describe music. c. Identify and classify (e.g. families, ensembles) classroom, orchestral, American folk and world instruments by sight and sound.
"What a Wonderful World" Listen to me sing this well-known classic song and enjoy the pictures in the book. If you know it, sing along! ESGM5.PR.1 Sing a varied repertoire of music, alone and with others. a. Sing accompanied and unaccompanied melodies within an appropriate range using head voice. c. Sing multiple songs representing various genres.
Feel free to go back and review or catch up on any of the songs or activities! Load a recorder song onto my FlipGrid. I'd love to see you play! Also, be thinking over the summer about what music ensemble you will join in middle school. All of the teachers are great! There will be a new band teacher next year. Mr. Cole is retiring and Mr. Norton will be the head Band teacher. Chorus has a new teacher that started this year. See above for the HTMS Orchestra program information. They are awesome, too! You really can't make a poor choice. I like to always remind the fifth graders that if you want to learn an instrument, you need to start in 6th grade!